Saturday, April 19, 2008


I must confess that I am not that into blogging, so I kept putting off lesson # 14 because I didn't think Technorati would be that thrilling to me. Well, it wasn't so bad. I liked the Percolator page better than the Popular page. Percolator seemed to have more news stories. The Popular page was just listing the most popular blogs, top searches, etc... I did find it interesting under top searches women were listed as #10. Overall, I did actually find Technorati pretty interesting.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Before participating in Discover 2.0 the only wiki I head ever heard of was wikipedia. I had always liked wikipedia--it took a topic and thoroughly, but simply explained it. That was my rather limited view of wikis. I didn't realize how useful they could in business settings, libraries, or just among friends.
Now that my wiki knowledge has broadened (a little bit) there are other wikis that fascinate me. Such as wikibooks--they have cookbooks and recipes on there. I also enjoyed wikihow and wikitravel.

Google Docs

OK, The only way I could figure out how to post my google doc to my blog was to publish it and paste the url. I mostly liked google docs, but I could not get the 'post to blog' button to work for me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cool Stuff

So I tried the blog readablity test. The first time I did it my blog read at a college level, now it's at genius level. =) I'm pretty sure it usually says either college or genius.
I also tried the sketchcast. I couldn't quite get it to work, but it was interesting watching other people's sketches.
I really liked the wordshoot. I started out at an easy level and progressed to a harder level. I think I probably played it for about 15-20 minutes.